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10 James Bond favourite restaurants in Italy


10 James Bond favourite restaurants in Italy

James Bond’s Cuisine: OO7’s Every Last Meal is a book by Matt Sherman, focusing on the culinary side of James Bond books and movies, chronicling all the places where the popular agent has been spotted. Here are some of his 10 favorite restaurants in Italy. 

No doubt, agent 007 James Bond has good tastes in terms of cuisine and definitely knows where the best places to dine are, at least in Italy.

How do we know about it? Simple, because we’ve read James Bond’s Cuisine: OO7’s Every Last Meal, the book written by Matt Sherman, which is a culinary tour taking inspiration from James Bond books and movies franchise. The author has painstakingly chronicled the secret agent’s favorite restaurants all around the world, his favorite food and drink (its not just “a Martini, shaken not stirred”), as well as the culinary habits of everyone that has eaten or drunk in every Bond book and movie. Did you know amongst the 72 culinary addresses you can find in the book, there are lots of Italian restaurants?

Right. And with new hotly anticipated chapter of James Bond series Spectre by Sam Mendes with Monica Bellucci and Lea Sedoux out on the 6th of November 2015, it’s better not to arrive at the crucial date unprepared, at least from a culinary point of view, don’t you think? So, here you are 10 amongst James Bond’s favorite restaurants in Italy. 

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